Monday, September 23, 2019

A Letter to My Kids.

Dear Isla and Joaquin,

This is the first that mom's writing to you both so forgive me if it's long. You will be celebrating your birthdays soon and I just can't help getting emotional. All sorts of feelings all mixed up together, I'm happy and sad and proud and wish I can freeze the time just a bit longer, but also so excited to see how you both will grow.

To my first born, Isla. Mommy and daddy could not be any prouder of you. I won't lie, you gave us a run for our money when you were a baby and during the beginning of your toddler years. Now I can see why you were the way you were then. You were always ahead of us. You've always known who you are, what you want and what you need and you've always made it a point to let us know, and for the longest, I refused to listen.

From your first days and months you told mommy, you wanted to eat more, you didn't want to be swaddled, you want the lights off to sleep and you loved loved the water. When your brother came, you demanded the attention. You made it clear to me that I cannot force you to do anything you don't want but that if I acknowledge your feelings, you will give in and also try to comply to what I want but it is your choice, you will choose to comply. You also made it known that the most important thing to you is to allow you to do things on your own and on your own time. You did understand that it’s ok to ask for help and you do when you need it. Now, you are old enough to tell me that you don't like it when I scream at you and you cry when you see me cry so I try my best not to in front of you in my times of weakness. You keep or at least always try to keep your end of the deal so I should too. You love your brother, you don't like him sick and you will comfort him when he needs it. You give in to him so many times but now you've learnt that not everything is for him and you will take what is yours. You choose your battles and you have a very long patience. You love the moon, you love to be chased and tickled, you love movies and animals. You like knowing how things work. You will try something and won't stop doing it until you've mastered it to your standards.You love being independent but also love your mommy-and-you time. You love hearing me say I love you and you tell me you love me more. You love my hair, you play with it so often. You want me to give you time and undivided attention even if it's just your favorite "2minutes". I try my best to give you more than that because I know you deserve it.  

Isla, I don't know how you came about to be you at this age but I am loving it. I love that I can talk to you. I love that you try to listen. I love that you apologize. I love that you fight for what you don't like but will also try to compromise. I pray and hope that you stay this way because this is a making of a person that would go a long way. You are compassionate, you are determined, kind and considerate. You feel and understand in ways that sometimes I feel like is beyond your years. I will always be beside you for as long as you need me and even when you think you don't, I will gladly step aside and watch you do your thing. Keep being yourself. Not all will understand you and will get who you are but it's ok, I will accept you for who you are always. 

Now, to you Joaquin. You are the surprise of a lifetime and I guess it's true, we don't really know what we need and want but God will give it to us anyway and He gave us you. Our family would not be complete without you. I look at you and only feel joy and giddiness because how could I not?! You are the most adorable thing in the world. Everything you do is funny, is cute even when you're naughty!

I struggle to keep a straight face when I have to discipline you but I do. I have to anak. I will try my best to instill in you everything that I tried with your sister. You are so different from her but so similar in many ways too. It's like de javu many times. You are also headstrong, probably more so than your sister. Unlike her though, you can't be talk to about it, you just want to be given time and when you're ready, you will allow me to comfort you. You gave us the easiest time during your first year. It's as if you decided, I'll be chill because Ate needs you right now. And you know, you still do this up to now. When your sister starts her drama about a toy or a movie or tv show she likes, you give in and allow her to have her way. You hardly complain but when you do, I know now that I have to pay attention. You are so much like your father in that department.  You talk and you like to be included in conversations, you like being included in plays and pretends. You also are so eager to learn. You want to help mommy and you follow instructions so well, mommy is so happy about that. You communicate to me what you want too and will keep at it until I give you the warning of your limits. You cry for a bit when things are not in your favor but eventually, just like how you were as a baby, you self soothe and will go back to your old happy self. I know right now people overwhelms you. You hide behind me and that's ok sweetheart. I will make you feel secure whenever you need it. You love sports, you sleep with a basketball but as early as now, you show care and empathy. You love your sister. You rely on her for many things and I saw many moments that you have defended her. Your little self, whispers when Ate is sleeping because you don't want to wake her. You are just the sweetest brother. You would comfort anyone when they're crying with those warm kisses and hugs of yours, it works like magic Quino! Now you know how to say good morning and I look forward to it. You are also starting to pick up "I love you" and I always wait for you to say it back. Sorry is hard for you, you won't face the wall but will take a minute in the corner when needed.

Quino, I feel at times that I barely watched you in your first year and now I see that you need me more, you want me more. Thank you for needing me still, for wanting me. Thank you for your random kisses, you don't know how much that makes me feel loved by you. Thank you for your joyful welcomes and for calling my name "mommeh!", you don't know how much that excites me too. Stay sweet my love and please, don't grow up so fast, let mommy baby you for a little while longer.

To you both, you are my world. I love you both so much!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

11months Apart: How it's been with our Irish Twins?

I decided to write this post because recently, I have been experiencing the full beauty of what has become my life, a mother of Irish twins. I don't think I need to state the obvious but I will state it anyway, we did not plan for our children to be this close in age. Heck, I don't even know that we planned having a second, well at least at the time, we were so into being a parent of our first that a second child was not even in the picture. To our biggest surprise, Isla who was born on November 12, 2016 was 4months old and we found out that I was 12weeks pregnant! October 13, 2017, my Joaquin "Quino" was born and even when we had the rest of my 39weeks of pregnancy to plan out what our new life is going to be, we were not prepared. Nothing about Quino's arrival was planned out, how I found out I was pregnant was by accident, how I gave birth (he came so quickly, 1hour of labor and 5minutes of pushing, no time for an epi or for any of my birth support team was able to make it!), and nothing could've prepared us with how Isla was going to take her new baby brother.

Now with that said, was it as hard as I thought it would be? I can honestly is HARD! I was pregnant for two years in a row, went through the phases twice and being pregnant on the second time was rough! Sleep was a commodity hard to come by; we had to deal with childcare set up as I still went to work full time. Talk about two active toddlers one learning to run and one just learned to crawl, I cannot even begin to say how hard that was. But to answer the question, it could've been harder but it was not. Motherhood on its own is challenging and when you're in a loop of the same struggle, it is testing but the cliché and truth, that it is the most rewarding, fulfilling experience.

Eventually, we got the kids to sync their activities. After the 1st year, Quino caught up with his sister's schedule from the time they wake up, eat, nap and go to bed. We somehow got them to enjoy most of the same toys and games, it got more manageable. The real beauty though is now. Isla at 2 and a half years old and Quino at 1 and a half, we are starting to see how these two have built a connection. They seem to rely on each other for almost everything. Even at their young age, we see they truly love being with each other. This is true for any siblings no matter the age difference I think, whether their actual twins or 2, 3 or 6years apart but to witness the kind of bond they have at their age gives me a new level of high.

They rely on each other for sleep-- now that we've moved them in one bedroom together, our camera catches them check on each other over the course of the night. They wake up at different times of the night to see if one is still there. They rely on each other for play-- they take turns on who will be the ice cream seller, in the kitchen, who will cook soup and who will cook cake. They learn from each other, Isla teaches him words, Quino teaches Isla patience and sharing. Mornings are the best, if one is up first, the other waits patiently for the other to wake up and gives the best morning greeting every time. They even connive to trick Jeb and I, scaring us or when they both don't want a bath or the food, they stare at each other and give each other this smirk that's like a signal they will both refuse it. I watch them speak to each other, I can never understand about what but they laugh, they whisper, then they correct each other. They look for each other when one is not in the same place. They comfort each other, probably the thing they do that I love the most. When one is crying, the other comes running to see why, Quino would hug Isla or Isla would try to help Quino feel better, talk to him, tell him "it's ok". Isla who is the biggest mommy's girl, when she knows her brother is sick will give way and allow Quino to get my 100% attention. I can go on and on to say what I get to see everyday between them two.

It maybe that their age gap made their connection stronger, maybe not, as I've seen the same behaviors in kids farther in age. It maybe that they're so close in age that they get each other and not feel that they need to compete with each other (yet). Whether it is that closeness in age that gave them this incredible relationship, I'm elated that I get to witness it everyday. I am hopeful that we can continue to cultivate it so that they keep this kind of closeness for until they're older. Our journey with our version of twins was crazy but I truly wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday, February 11, 2019

My Old and New Favorite Toddler Items

Fun stuff to discuss today! Shopping! I actually feel lucky that there are so many new things available out there to make our mommy lives somewhat easier nowadays. From gadgets to strollers to recipes or containers, there are plenty of options to choose from making shopping for the kids so much more fun. By the way, I think you really are adulting when a container actually “sparks joy” haha! I have a few new favorite items and I am sharing items that I’ve purchased for my daughter that I still currently love and use for my son.

Summer Infant Pop Infant Pop and Sit Booster: 

I     I love love this one and have proven its usability so many times. I even get compliments on my preparedness whenever I take this one out. I purchased this a long while ago for Isla since Jeb and I are always jumping from house to house, restaurant to restaurants and would always have trouble keeping Isla to stay put during meals. We keep this in our car at all times and Quino now uses it the most. It comes in handy when I go over to a friend’s home and especially handy since I assist two young toddlers during meal time so having at least one of them strapped in a chair during meals makes it easier specially if I’m out with them on my own. It’s handy while eating at those not-so-child friendly restaurants at Chinatown or somewhere in the city or if you're at a relative's or friend's home that do not have smaller kids at home. Also, it folds so small and weighs close to nothing that the portability is just really great, I will more than likely carry this along with me when we go to our Florida trip. Best thing for me too is how affordable it is and you're really going to get great use of this item. 

Stasher Reusable Silicone Food Bag

Newest favorite item recommended by my favorite blogger. I purchased one for each child and it has saved me from using ziplocs. Yes, you do have to wash it but it being silicone (much easier to wash than plastic) is barely any trouble. Amazingly, the lock system on this thing is great! It is very unlikely that it will accidentally open in your bag and smaller toddlers can’t easily open it either (and ziplocs do have that problem sometimes), less mess. Kids love it because it’s easy to carry and is colorful. It’s also not bulky, great for packing everyday. It is a little pricey for me (being that it’s just a small container) but you only have to purchase this once or maybe twice if it actually wears down but definitely a great buy.

OXO Tot Waterproof Silicone Roll Up Bib:

I first found this at Tjmaxx, came in two colors for about $14.99 and ever since then I stopped using all other silicone bibs. This one has great coverage on both of my kids’ chest, and being that my kids are such messy eaters it immediately became my favorite because it certainly done its job in keeping them cleaner during meals. It holds up really well so I have never experienced food spill out like most of the bib food catchers I’ve used. Again, folds and locks which is a huge thing for me because it doesn’t take as much space as others do in our diaper bag. I do carry two all the time so you know I'm always in the hunt for space saving items. Only downside is the top half of it is not silicone and does retain some moisture it seems like, so eventually you will have to repurchase this, but since price isn’t that bad either, I didn’t mind having to at all. 

Melissa and Doug Stamp Pad Set

If your kid is into arts and crafts, this is a great option! We found ours on sale at TJmaxx as well for $4. It has saved me from having to buy sooooo many stickers and like a lot of the Melissa and Doug items (check them out, they make such great toys) they come in their wood containers and easy to organize and put away. The ink is washable!!! Isla has stamped her face, her arm as much as I remind her to keep it on paper but all were very easily washed off. She has also stamped her activity table and it also came off of that. I also particularly love the long handle ones because for younger toddlers, it was easier for them to grip and use. 

Project 62 Round Woven Basket from Target:

I think my house has become a home of baskets. I have only about 50 of them so I’m a basket expert at this point right? I recently found this basket from all moms' happy place Target, and I love it! My son who is still not very careful or stable have been getting a lot of booboo’s from regular rattan baskets, he falls and hit it, or scratches himself when he’s picking a toy from inside the basket. I was on a hunt for a new toy basket for our living room and found this and loved it altogether. It’s kept formed and sturdy by thick wires so no slouching or deforming issues, it’s wide but not too tall, and it is covered in this super soft yarn looking thing, super cute and just $24.99, not bad all.

Delonghi Espresso Machine:

Well no, my toddlers don’t drink espresso but I need it more than ever now! This was gifted to me by my super thoughtful husband, he’s great at gifting and always know what to get me and man o man, this has been great! It has saved me tons of money since I have not been going to Starbucks and less need to buy my iced lattes from DD. I also love that it is not as expensive as the other machines (given those are probably much better) but if you’re looking for a price-friendly espresso machine, this one is a great option. I honestly feel that my espresso drinks taste as good as store brought. It comes with 3 settings, whether you want a single shot, double shot or for convenience, want to use espresso pods as well. There’s a model one down to this from Delonghi and I actually returned that one because this came with the pod feature and a much better frother for only $15 more. Amazon sells it cheaper compared to other places we’ve checked; same model sells for $150 at target but purchased this for $113 from amazon. Accessories like the tamper/measuring spoon combo does come with it but I decided to purchase a metal tamper instead based on advice that it has a little more weight and you do have to tamper your grounds pretty good to get the best espresso taste. Places like Tjmaxx or amazon sell the syrups at very good price so I’ve been able to make a decent caramel macchiato out of this machine. Moms….coffee is life! Go get this one to keep you going!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I love my children but I have complaints…and that’s ok

In this day and age of social media massiveness, it’s so easy to get sucked in to the pressure of projecting your best image and more so if you’re a mother. Oh the pressure of looking like you got it together, the pressure of you and your children having “aww” moments. Don’t get me wrong, those actually happen, you certainly have days that you have it together and that you and your children are having a swell time I share a lot of those too, but you know there are days where none is going my way and that there’s hesitations from us mothers to share it as much as we share our joys.

I have complaints-- dinner time is a mess in our house…

…it took a whole hour before my kids fell asleep

…I didn’t even get a decent cup of coffee today

…I don’t feel like cooking

…I am lazy and just want to stay in bed but I can’t!

…there was crying, a lot of crying

…ugggghhhh…they’re so clingy

…this is basically everyday!

I have more to list but I think you get the point. I’m writing this down and sharing it because it’s true. I mean maybe not for all but it is for me and probably for some of you too. The thing is, we should be allowed to complain. What’s real is motherhood is tiring and it’s not pretty all the time. Whether you’re a stay home mom, mom with help, mom who works, single parent, a new mom, a mom of multiples, we have complaints. I actually find myself following influencers that show more of these moments and hey, even then they still look good…how to be them?

Needless to say, I am human. I have an amazing power that is motherhood but I am and have been weak in many moments too. When my kids are sick and I can’t do anything about it. When I can’t get my kids to eat their meals. When I can’t get them to daycare in time for piano class or pick them up from daycare before it closes. It sometimes feels like I am never going to get this perfectly. Oh, yeah, I really never will! So why are we so hesitant to let it out? We should be able to tell our girlfriends, tell our partner, our mom, our sisters or even a stranger. And better yet, we should not be deemed like a bad person for doing so. Parenthood is not easy. If I look like I am complaining and I probably am, I am just stating facts. I encourage you to talk about the bad because it can lead you to talking about the good. Talk about the bad because it can lead to realizations or you may actually find solutions.  

Let me say this though, I have 100 complaints and only need one good moment to feel better. I complain but that does not mean I didn’t get that one big hug when I picked them up from daycare. It does not mean I didn’t see the cute face my son made when he said “uh-oh” because he dropped his plate on the ground. That one good moment amongst the crazy moments is all I needed to get me through another day. That one good moment is what makes it all worth it. We need to complain because we are humans, it’s our nature. We need to vent because bottling it up or covering it up, trying to just feel the good and not feel the bad is never healthy. I complain because I am seeking comfort so if I do, please offer that. I complain but it does not mean I am ungrateful because as tough as parenting is, I will never trade it for anything else. I complain but I will always be more grateful for these tiny beings that though drives me crazy, also makes my world the most beautiful place to be. As I said, motherhood empowers you. It empowered me to speak up when my day is not going smoothly, but it also empowered me to see the beauty in the sea of ugly.  

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Dealing with My Strong-Willed Child

Do you believe that your children’s personalities are in-born or developed? Personally, I think it is both. Looking at my children I see so much of my husband and I in them and I see so much of what we are not as well. This post, I’m going to focus solely on my daughter because my sweet boy is still in the process of developing his personality. Being my first born, my daughter always threw me off the loop, everything is “first time” with her and she keeps me guessing on what I have to do and how to deal. Just when I think I have this whole motherhood gig figured out, she throws a big curve ball that gets me scratching my head again. I question myself, is this me? Is this my husband? Did I make her this way? Most of the time I do answer “well yeah, I’m dealing with a little me!” and there are times where I’m just lost and ask, “how do I deal with this?” Now whether she was born with this or she developed it one thing I do know now for sure, she’s a willful one!

Strong willed, stubborn, headstrong…I don’t know if it’s true for everybody but these words have such a negative connotation. Dealing with my daughter now, I will tell you, “hey, it’s not.” As much as she challenges me with her stand-her-ground personality, I’ve come to appreciate it and now know this is just a part of her. I look ahead in the future and think, she has conviction, some guts on this little one of mine, she fights for what she wants. That’s a good trait, that’s a trait that will get her somewhere. I just need to try to hone that trait to be used more for good than bad. Stubbornness is like a superpower and it comes with great responsibilities! Willfulness of a toddler comes with screaming and crying, even hitting and kicking, throwing things, walk outs, meltdowns. So, moms, when you see a parent dealing with that, no, don’t pity her, that’s not needed but don’t judge her either, that won’t help.

I’ve come to realize that my daughter will only throw a fit for things that truly matters to her. I will tell you that my daughter is actually a good follower. There are far more things that she follows than ones she truly fights me for. She has proven many times that she can and will follow if it matters to me, like limited screen-time, eating her meals, taking a bath, no hitting, being nice to her brother, bedtimes, politeness etc. As stubborn as she is, she is actually the sweetest and kindest little girl. For Isla, it’s things like playing outside the house or wearing her favorite princess dress, wearing her favorite pair of shoes-- small things that can trigger the biggest and I tell you, theatrical reactions and emotions. Strong willed children have strong beliefs on what they want. Realize that things we say no to or things we force on to a strong-willed child actually makes them feel violated. Acknowledge that. Respect their feelings of being displeased even if it doesn’t make sense to you. Allow them to feel angry if you made them go your way instead of theirs. This is one of the biggest realizations and it has helped not just me in dealing with her emotions, but it has helped her get over her emotions much quicker as well since she feels that she got her point across.

You can put your foot down. On certain occasions, when what they want truly doesn’t make sense. Know however, that dealing with a strong-willed child who will scream and cry even kick and hit when they’re fighting for something means putting your foot down quietly and gently. I’ve noticed that I’ve had better results dealing with her in the calmest manner, the more she screams, the calmer my voice gets. How I put my foot down is solely by not giving in. I don’t argue, I don’t fight or scream back at her, I just don’t give her what she asked for. A big example of this which I’ve dealt with several times with her is staying outside. Isla has been refusing to go inside our home after coming from daycare or any activity outside for that matter because she would rather play outside. It’s the middle of winter and we can’t stay outside for that long. I don’t say much, but I carry her in while kicking and screaming and let her throw her fit inside the house. I keep it short and say it’s too cold and we have to be inside. I leave her and let her have her moment. I come back and remind her that when she’s ready she can come and join me but I leave her again. Nagging your child or comforting her during “fit” phase will not do either of you any good. Learn to give each other the space and yes, turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to whatever tantrums she is throwing. Check in with her from time-to-time and remind her to try to calm down and just make sure she is not hurting herself, because yes, they fight so hard it can come to that.

I find that limitations and choices are your best compromise. If you know that saying “NO” will trigger a fit, then don’t say that word. Offer a choice, “I want ice cream for breakfast”…my answer, “will you take cereal instead? How about a peanut butter sandwich?” If she truly wants ice cream, hey, one day of that won’t harm her so allow it. I make sure to remind her before giving it to her that this is only for today and she can only have 3 spoonfull of it then normal breakfast has to be eaten. Make sure to pick your battles. Remember that you are battling your child and question, is it worth hurting her or yourself, because I am sure you hurt too when you two fight.  
I’ll end this blog with a message to my Isla, “baby, it’s been a joy being your mother, I love you and all your little quirks”. I want to also send a message to my mommas with your strong-willed children. They are ours and they deserve the biggest understanding and acceptance to come from us. This is who they are but don’t let it define them because it doesn’t. My child she is kind, she’s smart, she’s silly, she is creative, SHE IS STRONG-WILLED.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Walking into 2019 with My #MomGoals

Sunglasses: Target * Coat and Flats: Zara 

Motherhood, what else is to say about it that we all don’t know about yet (if you’re already a mom that is). Yes, it’s hard and yes, it’s fulfilling. Over the past couple of years since starting my journey as a parent, I’ve never been so unsure in my entire life. Everyday is different, everyday presents a different challenge. I don’t know how others pull this off so graciously but I know I did not, the good thing is I pulled it off, how I looked or how I did it is beyond me now. This year seems to have started a little better than others, maybe because my strong-willed daughter is now two and can communicate better or maybe because my 1 year old is also starting to be a little bit more independent too. So, it got me thinking what should my 2019 #momgoals be.

This year, I want to give myself some focus. That’s #momgoals 1! Should I have waited 2years to do so, maybe not but each parent’s or mom’s experience and how they face the challenge of parenthood is so different. I took time to adjust and our household was faced with ever so changing set up (work schedules, daycare schedule and set up) and this is the first time I think I can actually take the time to eat my meals normally (have dinner on time), brush and fix up my hair, put on some make up, allow myself a glass of wine and a nextflix series at a time. It seems so dense but I still believe that how you look has a great effect on how you feel everyday too. I want to dress better, take time to make myself not look perfectly put together but less imperfect--add a blush, put on a good lip color, take time to do a skin routine, whatever it maybe that makes oneself better.

#momgoals 2, come on time. Whether this be at work or going home, I want to be on time this year. Well, to be honest, this is a goal I’ve had since I was single but even more important now and up in my list to achieve now that I am mom. What a difference it makes to actually be with your kids for dinner time. I’ve never been more out of time in my life than when I became a parent and being a working parent, 24hours is just not enough! Every minute literally counts and every minute missed or lost is a task undone.

#momgoals 3, organize and clean. I have to say I’ve neglected my home over the past couple of years and rightfully so since my little beings are far more important than my house looking like its straight out of pinterest. However, this year, I do want to arrange my home that it maybe of less maintenance for me. This means organizing, giving things its rightful places so that tidying up won’t be such a lengthy chore every day. And this equals to more QT with the kids!

#momgoals 4, live it. I want to live my parenthood more. Complain if I have to, have more breakdowns and not be so afraid to be judged for doing so. Be cheesy and capture when I have “aww” moments because how many of those am I still going to have? I want to write about it more, share about it more, learn about it more! I want to be less fearful of being the type of mom I want to be—what type is that? Janelle, that type. There shouldn’t be just one to five types of moms. We all have similarities, but will always have our flare, will always have our own touch. As I share more, I don’t want to make more moms be like me or for them to like me, I just want to be more me.  
So all, here’s to 2019 and wish me luck on these #2019momgoals of mine!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Involving your toddler/s at home more every day.

Believe me when I say, I’m not or at least no longer one of those parents who think that your kid or toddler should be off screen or that you should be that super parent that always has some cool activity for your children at all times. One, not all parents can afford to bring their children out to activities and two, screen time in moderation will not harm your children in my opinion. What I do love that we do at home with our kids which helped in both of those departments is actually involving them in our daily chores and activities. From cleaning, to making coffee, or cooking. This is great if you are in toddler stage right around 15-18months, where they’re always craving for something to touch or do or see and always are craving for your positive attention as well.

My daughter right when she turned 1yo suddenly showed interest in everything I did. She also started all sorts of ways to get my attention and was super clingy! I immediately had to make my adjustments at home or not much will be done. Also, when you’re a parent who is mostly alone with the kids (Jeb and my schedules are interchanged, I’m home and he’s not or he’s home and I’m not), you want to be able to do as much as if there’s someone else home with you. You can certainly find ways to maximize your time at home with the kids.  

We started letting Isla help us out, “play” with what I play with around 15months, which is my son's current age. He is now helping with closing the dishwasher door for me or opening a drawer if I need something, smaller things for younger ages and grows as they grow older. If I’m cleaning, they're cleaning with me, if I’m washing dishes, my daughter is right there with me too! Even when I’m home working, she’s “working” (playing with her toy laptop) too. Something so simple as letting her put forks and spoons in the dishwasher, letting her give me a hand in putting laundry in the basket, or letting her press the microwave buttons to heat my coffee allows you to have the following:

1.       Bond- you’re doing it together! What better way to bond than actually doing an activity together. Not just you and your child in one room, but you and your child helping each other, learning together, adjusting to each other. With your every “thank you” and “good job!”, he/she will feel so good being appreciated.
2.       Teach- you can count spoons and forks while putting them in the dishwasher; you can teach them open/close, inside/outside, top/under concepts while doing these too! If you’re doing laundry, colors are there, teach and practice it and again don’t forget to say your thank you’s and remind them they’re doing a good job! This also teaches you the most difficult thing to learn specially in parenting…PATIENCE!
3.       Play- keep every activity fun! Laugh, do “spoon cheers”, fastest one to put the shirt in the bin …everything is play with a toddler!
4.       Accomplish- yes, you probably could’ve done this faster if you hadn’t allowed her to play with you but you still got it done and with all the other 3 benefits mentioned above, you accomplished the chore and more!

One other minor benefit I also found is that it gave me less excuses to have the kids use my phone or TV to occupy them when I’m doing chores since they’re doing it with me. Of course, not to say I don’t take advantage of that great benefit of gadgets, I still do use them when I want things done faster due to timing. Those who know my kids know and will see that they love playing with mops, brooms, they’ll go to you if you’re washing dishes to help, wipe tables, water the plants, feed the dog etc. So already now at their young age, they’ve already grabbed the concept of helping, of being polite and of tidying up. Other things you can do, let them dust when you’re dusting, allow them to hold the broom after you’re done, allow them to water the plants, help giving your pet a bath. That’s really play for them more than it is a chore. You’ll also see that they’ll love the fact that they’re doing something with mommy or daddy. That’s an accomplishment for me, I taught them something good, something useful, something they may not necessarily learn from school but will be useful for them elsewhere.  I couldn’t be prouder that my two-year-old knows how to put her toys back in bins (most of the time not all times), that if I tell her to put her cup in the sink, she knows it and does it with no complaints, that she knows to care for our dog. For how long will she actually enjoy these, well…who knows! But I’m sure if I keep at it, maybe the fun will end, but the benefits will reap!