Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I love my children but I have complaints…and that’s ok

In this day and age of social media massiveness, it’s so easy to get sucked in to the pressure of projecting your best image and more so if you’re a mother. Oh the pressure of looking like you got it together, the pressure of you and your children having “aww” moments. Don’t get me wrong, those actually happen, you certainly have days that you have it together and that you and your children are having a swell time I share a lot of those too, but you know there are days where none is going my way and that there’s hesitations from us mothers to share it as much as we share our joys.

I have complaints-- dinner time is a mess in our house…

…it took a whole hour before my kids fell asleep

…I didn’t even get a decent cup of coffee today

…I don’t feel like cooking

…I am lazy and just want to stay in bed but I can’t!

…there was crying, a lot of crying

…ugggghhhh…they’re so clingy

…this is basically everyday!

I have more to list but I think you get the point. I’m writing this down and sharing it because it’s true. I mean maybe not for all but it is for me and probably for some of you too. The thing is, we should be allowed to complain. What’s real is motherhood is tiring and it’s not pretty all the time. Whether you’re a stay home mom, mom with help, mom who works, single parent, a new mom, a mom of multiples, we have complaints. I actually find myself following influencers that show more of these moments and hey, even then they still look good…how to be them?

Needless to say, I am human. I have an amazing power that is motherhood but I am and have been weak in many moments too. When my kids are sick and I can’t do anything about it. When I can’t get my kids to eat their meals. When I can’t get them to daycare in time for piano class or pick them up from daycare before it closes. It sometimes feels like I am never going to get this perfectly. Oh, yeah, I really never will! So why are we so hesitant to let it out? We should be able to tell our girlfriends, tell our partner, our mom, our sisters or even a stranger. And better yet, we should not be deemed like a bad person for doing so. Parenthood is not easy. If I look like I am complaining and I probably am, I am just stating facts. I encourage you to talk about the bad because it can lead you to talking about the good. Talk about the bad because it can lead to realizations or you may actually find solutions.  

Let me say this though, I have 100 complaints and only need one good moment to feel better. I complain but that does not mean I didn’t get that one big hug when I picked them up from daycare. It does not mean I didn’t see the cute face my son made when he said “uh-oh” because he dropped his plate on the ground. That one good moment amongst the crazy moments is all I needed to get me through another day. That one good moment is what makes it all worth it. We need to complain because we are humans, it’s our nature. We need to vent because bottling it up or covering it up, trying to just feel the good and not feel the bad is never healthy. I complain because I am seeking comfort so if I do, please offer that. I complain but it does not mean I am ungrateful because as tough as parenting is, I will never trade it for anything else. I complain but I will always be more grateful for these tiny beings that though drives me crazy, also makes my world the most beautiful place to be. As I said, motherhood empowers you. It empowered me to speak up when my day is not going smoothly, but it also empowered me to see the beauty in the sea of ugly.  

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