Monday, January 28, 2019

Walking into 2019 with My #MomGoals

Sunglasses: Target * Coat and Flats: Zara 

Motherhood, what else is to say about it that we all don’t know about yet (if you’re already a mom that is). Yes, it’s hard and yes, it’s fulfilling. Over the past couple of years since starting my journey as a parent, I’ve never been so unsure in my entire life. Everyday is different, everyday presents a different challenge. I don’t know how others pull this off so graciously but I know I did not, the good thing is I pulled it off, how I looked or how I did it is beyond me now. This year seems to have started a little better than others, maybe because my strong-willed daughter is now two and can communicate better or maybe because my 1 year old is also starting to be a little bit more independent too. So, it got me thinking what should my 2019 #momgoals be.

This year, I want to give myself some focus. That’s #momgoals 1! Should I have waited 2years to do so, maybe not but each parent’s or mom’s experience and how they face the challenge of parenthood is so different. I took time to adjust and our household was faced with ever so changing set up (work schedules, daycare schedule and set up) and this is the first time I think I can actually take the time to eat my meals normally (have dinner on time), brush and fix up my hair, put on some make up, allow myself a glass of wine and a nextflix series at a time. It seems so dense but I still believe that how you look has a great effect on how you feel everyday too. I want to dress better, take time to make myself not look perfectly put together but less imperfect--add a blush, put on a good lip color, take time to do a skin routine, whatever it maybe that makes oneself better.

#momgoals 2, come on time. Whether this be at work or going home, I want to be on time this year. Well, to be honest, this is a goal I’ve had since I was single but even more important now and up in my list to achieve now that I am mom. What a difference it makes to actually be with your kids for dinner time. I’ve never been more out of time in my life than when I became a parent and being a working parent, 24hours is just not enough! Every minute literally counts and every minute missed or lost is a task undone.

#momgoals 3, organize and clean. I have to say I’ve neglected my home over the past couple of years and rightfully so since my little beings are far more important than my house looking like its straight out of pinterest. However, this year, I do want to arrange my home that it maybe of less maintenance for me. This means organizing, giving things its rightful places so that tidying up won’t be such a lengthy chore every day. And this equals to more QT with the kids!

#momgoals 4, live it. I want to live my parenthood more. Complain if I have to, have more breakdowns and not be so afraid to be judged for doing so. Be cheesy and capture when I have “aww” moments because how many of those am I still going to have? I want to write about it more, share about it more, learn about it more! I want to be less fearful of being the type of mom I want to be—what type is that? Janelle, that type. There shouldn’t be just one to five types of moms. We all have similarities, but will always have our flare, will always have our own touch. As I share more, I don’t want to make more moms be like me or for them to like me, I just want to be more me.  
So all, here’s to 2019 and wish me luck on these #2019momgoals of mine!

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