Friday, August 25, 2017

Getting back into swing

Hello everyone! Back at it again!

Maybe my 3rd jab at blogging will actually last this time. Before I explain why, let me give you a short history of my blogging attempts, especially if it's your first time reading one of mines. I started with my fashion blog (also a vlog in youtube), janellesworkdiary ( in my early 20's talking about affordable fashion which went to a halt when I decided to pursue my (or our, together with my husband Heb) home goals. When we did get our home, I started a new blog (also an igblog) playingjanes ( where I hoped to share decor ideas, marriage advise, lifestyle, food and fashion, everything I love. That too came to a pause when Jeb and I decided to focus on starting a family.

So on this new blog, well not so new, I guess to continue playingjanes, my goal is to share the newest and most exciting and challenging chapter of my life...MOTHERHOOD! Now, I go to why I think one is my best yet--motherhood, it never stops, it never ends. How can I run out of things to share and talk (or rejoice or complain) about as a mother? Also this time, my goal for this blog is not just to blog but also an outlet for me and my daily challenges and triumphs. I also hope to inspire and help new and even expert moms already out there. I'm no expert though so for sure, with my 2nd baby on the way, I may need your help and support more than I can be that for you. Whichever way it goes, wish me luck and I hope you all join me on this journey!

"The Boquilas!"

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