Tuesday, August 25, 2015

FOOD: Gordon Ramsey Pub and Grill, Atlantic City

It's been a while since I last visited Atlantic City, NJ and in my recent visit, we found something new. Just like other hotels in the area that bank on restaurants from popular chefs, Borgata's Wolfgang Puck and Boby Flay Steak for example, Ceasars joined in that band wagon and they now have Gordon Ramsey Pub & Grill. Having had a wonderful dining experience at the other two mentioned restos, John and I decided to give this authentic-british-pub-looking place.

I have been trying my best to be active at Yelp lately so I gave this one a 2-star review. No I'm no chef nor a food expert, but I am a true food lover and appreciate both classics and new takes on things. Having said that. you can visit my review for this place at Yelp (follow me! www.janellehb.yelp.com). To my surprise, Ceasars took notice and reached out to me directly apologizing because they "failed me in multiple levels." They even offered a dining certificate, which of course I plan to use because I'd like to give this place a second chance. 

In addition to my yelp review, I do commend the management of Gordon's for paying attention to their customer's reviews. Something I think all restaurants should do because after all, they are afloat and will remain that way if not for us diners. Kuddos Gordon's and I'm looking forward to my next experience in hopes for a better one!   

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