Friday, February 6, 2015

Sit Up.

You know that saying "another man's trash is another's treasure?" So true! One of our neighbor's parents' truck (that was a mouthful to say!) always parks their truck near our house. Us, John and I being nosy people would take a peak in there whenever we get a chance, and one enchanted night, we saw what I thought was a beautiful chair that could easily be made even more beautiful with a little sanding and painting. And so the mission to acquire that chair begins! 

Every early morning we'd wait for the couple who owns the truck in the chance to purchase the chair at a bargain price. And after a couple of days stalking, they finally appeared and John took the opportunity to ask to purchase the chair. He was told "whatever amount you want to give is fine," he then checked his wallet and...............EPIC FAIL! We both don't have cash!!! We offered to pay by check and the sweetest and nicest couple decided to just give us this lovely chair: 

I just loved the details in this chair, the wicker backing, the floral carving at the top. I knew I wanted to change this chair up but still keep the old, vintage vibe it already has. Let the process begin!

Step 1: Remove the seat by unscrewing it from the bottom. 

Step 2: Sand, sand, sand! Now John and I are quite lazy and don't really sand all the way down but we at least try to remove the coating of the chair and roughen it up so that paint can be absorbed. For the first sanding process, use a 220 grain sand paper.  

Step 3: Paint! Since I am into vintage, rustic looks I decided to go for an ivory color paint instead of just white, very little difference but you'll for sure notice the difference once you've fully covered the chair. I bought two cans and two layers to fully cover this chair. 

Step 4: The seat. I chose a fabric that was on sale and was a little moderns and since I'm really into grays, went with that color too! I added the studs which was fairly easy to do. Explore your local Michaels for these type of things and just try it. I think it worked out great for this particular project and took this chair up one more notch. 
Step 5: Because I said I wanted to keep the the rustic and vintage look of this chair, I didn't want to look perfect. I wanted it have some of that aged look. By taking a 100grain sand paper, I sanded some of the edges of the chair. Keep in mind that you should sand the sharper edges of the chair and of course some of the details in the chair to make it look like it was meant to be there. 
Here's our Finished Product! 


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