Friday, February 13, 2015


When John and I moved in to our new home we just couldn't decide what style we're exactly going for. I wanted to go totally feminine with a hint of vintage and he wanted to go rustic. We went with our instincts with filling up the house and we somehow ended with defined spaces. The living/receiving area of our home was feminine with a hint of vintage, while our tv area ended up with the industrial rustic look. Two totally different looks!

And then our bedroom...a common space. How do we come up with a bedroom that suits both our tastes?......................

Here's what we came up with:

Bedside tables: Home Goods
Lamps, Frames and vases, accent pillows: Ross
Bed Linens: Bed, bath and beyond
Walls: Painted with Behr Bright White

The solution was let's pick a side and make that our own! Non-matching side tables was a little scary in the beginning but we just had to go with it, besides, it's already a theme in the house.

Here a few tips to bring together non-matching side tables:

1. Make sure that they are at least the same height. This way, whatever accessories you decide to add can be symmetrical and less busy in your eyes.

2. Compliment your accessories. We both have a picture frame, his silver and industrial, mine's gold and vintage but both are the same size. On his side, I decided to add a hint of freshness with a plant in a copper vase while I have flowers. Defining your space does not mean clashing of two looks.

3. The biggest accessory in anyone's bedside, other than the table of course, is your lamps. I chose to match our lamps to tie up both sides. I also made sure that the texture of it goes with the bed we chose.

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