Monday, June 18, 2018

We're Sick...again!

Other than sleep troubles, one of the worse things that I ever had to deal with as a mom is sickness and if your baby/child goes to daycare, you know getting sick is just now part of the norm. Isla is going on her 7th month in daycare, illness is less often and by that I mean, she is not sick weekly, it's bi-weekly! She goes to daycare three times per week, Monday-Wednesday and in her first 6 months, she would end every week sick, get better by Sunday and by end of the week she is sick again, a vicious cycle! The worse part about it, she has a baby brother who also catches everything that she has.

This week, my Isla had one of the worst one from daycare, FHMD (foot, hand mouth disease), no not the animal kind but the human kind, causes blisters in their mouth and later, in their hands and feet. It's viral so of course it comes with a cold and fever too. I say it's the worst because unlike ear infection (which she already had twice) where you can get antibiotic, this one just like a cold and would just run its course. Yes, Quino caught this one too, it was inevitable as it is highly contagious for kids their age.

Do you ever just feel like when your child is sick, the entire household is too? They get extra clingy so you can't do any work at all, if you do have a job, you have to call out because they can't be at daycare anyway, their energy is down and that sucks out yours, their appetite is off so you end up losing yours too. They also get so frustrated, totally understandable but somehow you get frustrated that they are and you still loose it? Well...I do. I hate it (real talk now!). I'm sure most moms are absolutely poised about handling illness but I have yet to master it even with plenty of practice. My heart aches for her pain and it's almost like nothing I do can make her feel better, and my body, well mostly my ears ache because of the constant whining and crying. I should be more understanding of her clinginess and drama antics, her whining and pining for me, and for the most part I am but I had moments when I lost it too. If only I can protect her from catching one and all virus and bacterial infection out there...hmmm..bubble girl?!

This week I was a walking spit and snot catcher, I was kicked and screamed at all throughout the day and night (by a frustrated and hungry toddler, she can't eat due to blisters in her mouth), I didn't shower for two days nor brush my hair, I haven't slept more for than two hours. My patience ran out at times and as she screams of frustration I did too, as she cried herself to sleep, I did too. She felt so bad and I feel worse for not being more catering or understanding, for not giving her what she wanted, for making her feel worse at times instead of making her feel better. This is one of those parts of parenthood that I just didn't expect and am still so clueless how to handle.The good news? Well, just as the doctor said, wait it out, and it will get better on its own.

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