Friday, October 17, 2014


Planning my sister's wedding was certainly fun. Tons of ideas came to mind and one of them was to have all these jars line up the pathway where guests enter during the reception. That went ok but as a result I ended up with 72 mason jars! I thought I'd give them away but I was still left with a lot of them. Instead of having it collecting dust in the garage, I wanted to make use of some of them around the house.

Other than for drinks or food, there's plenty more where you can spread them around. Here are some ideas:

Party Helper. 

Paint it up. 

                                                  (acrylic paints will help glam up your jars)
Coffee Break.

                                 (With a little help from good old chalkboard paint and paint pen)

Mood Setter. 

Monday, October 13, 2014


I have been fortunate that I found me such a mellow yellow man, I thought, this guy's worth marrying! And I did! John hardly ever gets angry, we hardly fight and even when we do it's mostly petty things (like putting the body lotion where it's supposed to be, which is by the very corner of our vanity or turning too fast when he's driving, etc ). John's cousin even asked that very same question, "Do you guys ever fight?" I took that question as a compliment of course. I mean we're supposed to be in that 7 year-itch thing that some talk about, but I guess there's really not a lot of itching to scratch in our marriage (I'm hoping that will last forever of course!). So we've been married for almost 3years and dated for a good 11months (I think?! We never really kept track).

To date, the biggest battle John and I have had is the battle of the x-box! Now, ladies, I don't know if you share the same sentiment I have with this particular device...I feel that it's nice, yes it is fun, however, it's ridiculously priced, not to mention that you have to buy accessories and games for it, which also cost a fortune. I love my husband dearly and although he has been asking me for one since the beginning of our marriage and even dared to make me promise to buy him one once we have a home, I haven't gave in.

SOLUTION: Entice him with a completely new toy (IN THIS CASE, IT'S A BOSE TV SPEAKER THING, I don't even know what this new toy is called) and lure him into getting it, better yet, make him believe that he's the one who really wants it.
RESULTS: A peaceful ending to the x-box battle.

Hahaha, just kidding Lovey! For couples out there, this is true though. Learn to compromise, not everything you ask for or want is gonna go your way. Learn to choose your battles, you can tug and push or you can totally just make a 180 degree turn to something equally exciting yet agreeable to you both. The new toy he got although is mainly for him and for his movies or football games is a great addition to our home anyway. So go ahead, make him win one battle. As for us ladies, this is a win-win situation, because though many people say a happy wife is a happy life, a happy husband and wife is an even happier life!

Quick tip:
For new home owners, make sure you take advantage of all resources, places such as hhgreg or best buy will send you coupons in the mail, carry it around you (I need to follow this advise because I totally regretted not using the 10% coupon I had at best buy when he purchased the speakers) so whenever it comes up, you're coupon ready!

Happy battling newlyweds!

Monday, October 6, 2014


Yes, fall has definitely arrived! We feel it in the air, we see it in the trees, we taste is all the pumpkin spice delicacies everywhere! For a first time home owner like me who's still adjusting with the new expenses of owning a home, any seasonal updates are not a priority. However, I didn't want to dampen my decorating spirit this fall so I had to find a quick and easy and of course, CHEAP way to add fall in my home.

Mini pumpkins, they are $3.99 for a bag of about 6 at Shoprite. I went on my normal grocery shopping and thought, this would do great! I kept a couple of them in its natural form and have decided to spread them around my living room, which worked great with the rustic feel I was going for in that room.

Also, remember to make use of what you already have in the home keep it within the budget. My living room center table immediately turned "fall" with just the addition of this magazine I got for free in the mail! (Very good pointer to keep in mind, come christmas, I'm sure I'll have something there with a tree or snowman!) My thrift find, $2 vintage owl coasters fit perfectly as well!

Another thing I do is buy fresh flowers weekly or sometimes bi-weekly to add color or freshness at home. But since, we're nearing halloween and it is fall, I decided to keep these dried roses to add a spooky elegance to my center piece. At any craft store, you are can find a dried flower preserve spray and use it any dried flower of your choice. Make sure to wrap around the stem up to the bottom of the flower with flower wire to keep it from dangling down. 
As for my receiving/formal living area, to add little more art and glam to the pumpkins and to fit the decor the room, I took advantage of my left over acrylic paints and dressed up our mini pumpkin friends.

Voila! I think, good parts of the home are now fall-ready! I thought my white pumpkin ended up looking like garlic, so I had to add another element to it (haha!). So using a sharpie paint pen (that can be purchased at any craft store), I added some silver polka-dots in them to glam it up even more.

Seasonal updates are always fun but can also get pricey, with a little dash of effort and creativity, maybe recycling things you already have, you can join that bandwagon without spending much! Happy fall everyone!