Monday, February 11, 2019

My Old and New Favorite Toddler Items

Fun stuff to discuss today! Shopping! I actually feel lucky that there are so many new things available out there to make our mommy lives somewhat easier nowadays. From gadgets to strollers to recipes or containers, there are plenty of options to choose from making shopping for the kids so much more fun. By the way, I think you really are adulting when a container actually “sparks joy” haha! I have a few new favorite items and I am sharing items that I’ve purchased for my daughter that I still currently love and use for my son.

Summer Infant Pop Infant Pop and Sit Booster: 

I     I love love this one and have proven its usability so many times. I even get compliments on my preparedness whenever I take this one out. I purchased this a long while ago for Isla since Jeb and I are always jumping from house to house, restaurant to restaurants and would always have trouble keeping Isla to stay put during meals. We keep this in our car at all times and Quino now uses it the most. It comes in handy when I go over to a friend’s home and especially handy since I assist two young toddlers during meal time so having at least one of them strapped in a chair during meals makes it easier specially if I’m out with them on my own. It’s handy while eating at those not-so-child friendly restaurants at Chinatown or somewhere in the city or if you're at a relative's or friend's home that do not have smaller kids at home. Also, it folds so small and weighs close to nothing that the portability is just really great, I will more than likely carry this along with me when we go to our Florida trip. Best thing for me too is how affordable it is and you're really going to get great use of this item. 

Stasher Reusable Silicone Food Bag

Newest favorite item recommended by my favorite blogger. I purchased one for each child and it has saved me from using ziplocs. Yes, you do have to wash it but it being silicone (much easier to wash than plastic) is barely any trouble. Amazingly, the lock system on this thing is great! It is very unlikely that it will accidentally open in your bag and smaller toddlers can’t easily open it either (and ziplocs do have that problem sometimes), less mess. Kids love it because it’s easy to carry and is colorful. It’s also not bulky, great for packing everyday. It is a little pricey for me (being that it’s just a small container) but you only have to purchase this once or maybe twice if it actually wears down but definitely a great buy.

OXO Tot Waterproof Silicone Roll Up Bib:

I first found this at Tjmaxx, came in two colors for about $14.99 and ever since then I stopped using all other silicone bibs. This one has great coverage on both of my kids’ chest, and being that my kids are such messy eaters it immediately became my favorite because it certainly done its job in keeping them cleaner during meals. It holds up really well so I have never experienced food spill out like most of the bib food catchers I’ve used. Again, folds and locks which is a huge thing for me because it doesn’t take as much space as others do in our diaper bag. I do carry two all the time so you know I'm always in the hunt for space saving items. Only downside is the top half of it is not silicone and does retain some moisture it seems like, so eventually you will have to repurchase this, but since price isn’t that bad either, I didn’t mind having to at all. 

Melissa and Doug Stamp Pad Set

If your kid is into arts and crafts, this is a great option! We found ours on sale at TJmaxx as well for $4. It has saved me from having to buy sooooo many stickers and like a lot of the Melissa and Doug items (check them out, they make such great toys) they come in their wood containers and easy to organize and put away. The ink is washable!!! Isla has stamped her face, her arm as much as I remind her to keep it on paper but all were very easily washed off. She has also stamped her activity table and it also came off of that. I also particularly love the long handle ones because for younger toddlers, it was easier for them to grip and use. 

Project 62 Round Woven Basket from Target:

I think my house has become a home of baskets. I have only about 50 of them so I’m a basket expert at this point right? I recently found this basket from all moms' happy place Target, and I love it! My son who is still not very careful or stable have been getting a lot of booboo’s from regular rattan baskets, he falls and hit it, or scratches himself when he’s picking a toy from inside the basket. I was on a hunt for a new toy basket for our living room and found this and loved it altogether. It’s kept formed and sturdy by thick wires so no slouching or deforming issues, it’s wide but not too tall, and it is covered in this super soft yarn looking thing, super cute and just $24.99, not bad all.

Delonghi Espresso Machine:

Well no, my toddlers don’t drink espresso but I need it more than ever now! This was gifted to me by my super thoughtful husband, he’s great at gifting and always know what to get me and man o man, this has been great! It has saved me tons of money since I have not been going to Starbucks and less need to buy my iced lattes from DD. I also love that it is not as expensive as the other machines (given those are probably much better) but if you’re looking for a price-friendly espresso machine, this one is a great option. I honestly feel that my espresso drinks taste as good as store brought. It comes with 3 settings, whether you want a single shot, double shot or for convenience, want to use espresso pods as well. There’s a model one down to this from Delonghi and I actually returned that one because this came with the pod feature and a much better frother for only $15 more. Amazon sells it cheaper compared to other places we’ve checked; same model sells for $150 at target but purchased this for $113 from amazon. Accessories like the tamper/measuring spoon combo does come with it but I decided to purchase a metal tamper instead based on advice that it has a little more weight and you do have to tamper your grounds pretty good to get the best espresso taste. Places like Tjmaxx or amazon sell the syrups at very good price so I’ve been able to make a decent caramel macchiato out of this machine. Moms….coffee is life! Go get this one to keep you going!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I love my children but I have complaints…and that’s ok

In this day and age of social media massiveness, it’s so easy to get sucked in to the pressure of projecting your best image and more so if you’re a mother. Oh the pressure of looking like you got it together, the pressure of you and your children having “aww” moments. Don’t get me wrong, those actually happen, you certainly have days that you have it together and that you and your children are having a swell time I share a lot of those too, but you know there are days where none is going my way and that there’s hesitations from us mothers to share it as much as we share our joys.

I have complaints-- dinner time is a mess in our house…

…it took a whole hour before my kids fell asleep

…I didn’t even get a decent cup of coffee today

…I don’t feel like cooking

…I am lazy and just want to stay in bed but I can’t!

…there was crying, a lot of crying

…ugggghhhh…they’re so clingy

…this is basically everyday!

I have more to list but I think you get the point. I’m writing this down and sharing it because it’s true. I mean maybe not for all but it is for me and probably for some of you too. The thing is, we should be allowed to complain. What’s real is motherhood is tiring and it’s not pretty all the time. Whether you’re a stay home mom, mom with help, mom who works, single parent, a new mom, a mom of multiples, we have complaints. I actually find myself following influencers that show more of these moments and hey, even then they still look good…how to be them?

Needless to say, I am human. I have an amazing power that is motherhood but I am and have been weak in many moments too. When my kids are sick and I can’t do anything about it. When I can’t get my kids to eat their meals. When I can’t get them to daycare in time for piano class or pick them up from daycare before it closes. It sometimes feels like I am never going to get this perfectly. Oh, yeah, I really never will! So why are we so hesitant to let it out? We should be able to tell our girlfriends, tell our partner, our mom, our sisters or even a stranger. And better yet, we should not be deemed like a bad person for doing so. Parenthood is not easy. If I look like I am complaining and I probably am, I am just stating facts. I encourage you to talk about the bad because it can lead you to talking about the good. Talk about the bad because it can lead to realizations or you may actually find solutions.  

Let me say this though, I have 100 complaints and only need one good moment to feel better. I complain but that does not mean I didn’t get that one big hug when I picked them up from daycare. It does not mean I didn’t see the cute face my son made when he said “uh-oh” because he dropped his plate on the ground. That one good moment amongst the crazy moments is all I needed to get me through another day. That one good moment is what makes it all worth it. We need to complain because we are humans, it’s our nature. We need to vent because bottling it up or covering it up, trying to just feel the good and not feel the bad is never healthy. I complain because I am seeking comfort so if I do, please offer that. I complain but it does not mean I am ungrateful because as tough as parenting is, I will never trade it for anything else. I complain but I will always be more grateful for these tiny beings that though drives me crazy, also makes my world the most beautiful place to be. As I said, motherhood empowers you. It empowered me to speak up when my day is not going smoothly, but it also empowered me to see the beauty in the sea of ugly.