Monday, September 23, 2019

A Letter to My Kids.

Dear Isla and Joaquin,

This is the first that mom's writing to you both so forgive me if it's long. You will be celebrating your birthdays soon and I just can't help getting emotional. All sorts of feelings all mixed up together, I'm happy and sad and proud and wish I can freeze the time just a bit longer, but also so excited to see how you both will grow.

To my first born, Isla. Mommy and daddy could not be any prouder of you. I won't lie, you gave us a run for our money when you were a baby and during the beginning of your toddler years. Now I can see why you were the way you were then. You were always ahead of us. You've always known who you are, what you want and what you need and you've always made it a point to let us know, and for the longest, I refused to listen.

From your first days and months you told mommy, you wanted to eat more, you didn't want to be swaddled, you want the lights off to sleep and you loved loved the water. When your brother came, you demanded the attention. You made it clear to me that I cannot force you to do anything you don't want but that if I acknowledge your feelings, you will give in and also try to comply to what I want but it is your choice, you will choose to comply. You also made it known that the most important thing to you is to allow you to do things on your own and on your own time. You did understand that it’s ok to ask for help and you do when you need it. Now, you are old enough to tell me that you don't like it when I scream at you and you cry when you see me cry so I try my best not to in front of you in my times of weakness. You keep or at least always try to keep your end of the deal so I should too. You love your brother, you don't like him sick and you will comfort him when he needs it. You give in to him so many times but now you've learnt that not everything is for him and you will take what is yours. You choose your battles and you have a very long patience. You love the moon, you love to be chased and tickled, you love movies and animals. You like knowing how things work. You will try something and won't stop doing it until you've mastered it to your standards.You love being independent but also love your mommy-and-you time. You love hearing me say I love you and you tell me you love me more. You love my hair, you play with it so often. You want me to give you time and undivided attention even if it's just your favorite "2minutes". I try my best to give you more than that because I know you deserve it.  

Isla, I don't know how you came about to be you at this age but I am loving it. I love that I can talk to you. I love that you try to listen. I love that you apologize. I love that you fight for what you don't like but will also try to compromise. I pray and hope that you stay this way because this is a making of a person that would go a long way. You are compassionate, you are determined, kind and considerate. You feel and understand in ways that sometimes I feel like is beyond your years. I will always be beside you for as long as you need me and even when you think you don't, I will gladly step aside and watch you do your thing. Keep being yourself. Not all will understand you and will get who you are but it's ok, I will accept you for who you are always. 

Now, to you Joaquin. You are the surprise of a lifetime and I guess it's true, we don't really know what we need and want but God will give it to us anyway and He gave us you. Our family would not be complete without you. I look at you and only feel joy and giddiness because how could I not?! You are the most adorable thing in the world. Everything you do is funny, is cute even when you're naughty!

I struggle to keep a straight face when I have to discipline you but I do. I have to anak. I will try my best to instill in you everything that I tried with your sister. You are so different from her but so similar in many ways too. It's like de javu many times. You are also headstrong, probably more so than your sister. Unlike her though, you can't be talk to about it, you just want to be given time and when you're ready, you will allow me to comfort you. You gave us the easiest time during your first year. It's as if you decided, I'll be chill because Ate needs you right now. And you know, you still do this up to now. When your sister starts her drama about a toy or a movie or tv show she likes, you give in and allow her to have her way. You hardly complain but when you do, I know now that I have to pay attention. You are so much like your father in that department.  You talk and you like to be included in conversations, you like being included in plays and pretends. You also are so eager to learn. You want to help mommy and you follow instructions so well, mommy is so happy about that. You communicate to me what you want too and will keep at it until I give you the warning of your limits. You cry for a bit when things are not in your favor but eventually, just like how you were as a baby, you self soothe and will go back to your old happy self. I know right now people overwhelms you. You hide behind me and that's ok sweetheart. I will make you feel secure whenever you need it. You love sports, you sleep with a basketball but as early as now, you show care and empathy. You love your sister. You rely on her for many things and I saw many moments that you have defended her. Your little self, whispers when Ate is sleeping because you don't want to wake her. You are just the sweetest brother. You would comfort anyone when they're crying with those warm kisses and hugs of yours, it works like magic Quino! Now you know how to say good morning and I look forward to it. You are also starting to pick up "I love you" and I always wait for you to say it back. Sorry is hard for you, you won't face the wall but will take a minute in the corner when needed.

Quino, I feel at times that I barely watched you in your first year and now I see that you need me more, you want me more. Thank you for needing me still, for wanting me. Thank you for your random kisses, you don't know how much that makes me feel loved by you. Thank you for your joyful welcomes and for calling my name "mommeh!", you don't know how much that excites me too. Stay sweet my love and please, don't grow up so fast, let mommy baby you for a little while longer.

To you both, you are my world. I love you both so much!