Monday, October 15, 2018

An Early Welcome to the Terrible Two's

I cannot even believe we are here now, at 22months, Isla has entered the dreaded Terrible Two's. There was just no way to prepare for it, we didn't even realize we were on it until I googled it and like experiencing a storm, she has put us in the eye of it. In this stage, the only constant in our life is the word "NO". However, from what I've heard, just like any phase, this too shall pass...right?!...I hope...I pray๐Ÿ˜…

I really wish I can give you some goods on how to deal but since we had just entered this stage, I too am just working my way around it. I think we have made some great progress on some areas and still trying to figure out others. I had just gotten her out of the "NO" to clothes. Yup, she didn't miss out on that one, unfortunately. For some weeks, we have to fight every time I had to dress her, whether it's for bed or going out. Our morning involves with me fighting a shirt on her and her trying to figure out how to kick pants or shorts off. I tried, facing her to the wall, even letting her choose what to wear but both just did not work with our strong-willed daughter (not ready to call her stubborn just yet). What worked? One morning, I put on her choice of top and shorts to school but she still screamed and cried like it was burning her skin. I had to let her cry it out and when finally calm, sat her down and explained that clothes are a must when going out, said sorry that I upset her for forcing it. She hugged me and it has been a more workable situation since then. So a big no during this time is forcing things on them. I forgot that our little person can understand me now if I explain things simple enough. A choice of you stay home or you go to school with clothes worked great!

Now, we are in the world of "NO" to anything. She is upset about church taking so long so she pranced around for 10minutes saying "NO"; she is upset she can't play in a puddle and she stood upset in front of it saying "NO"; she was told to take a bath and she laid in her bed saying "NO". Everything is a NO. I think she knows that NO is now a choice. She can choose to say NO. She can use the word NO on anything that displeases her. I mean, I did, I said no to her numerous time on things I didn't want her to she does it too! Game plan: Use it less often. I am now practicing, thinking of the many ways I can get her not to do what I don't want her to do without saying the word NO. Current progress: Some Success (yey!)

Speaking of choice, this is also apparently the time that they've learned that they can make choices, make decisions for themselves, and of course, she happens to love making a choice against mine. ๐Ÿ˜‚ This one is tricky, so I've also come up with a plan, give her as little amount of choices she can get. Early on, I said that my will shall be done but these little humans are just like us adults, they have their own will and they are who they are. I offer choices but only of two, milk or water? Apple or water? Pink shoes or red shoes? Limiting her choices is less overwhelming for her and she then can make an easier choice without aggrevation.

Tell me, how is your terrible two's experience going? What has worked? I'd love some advice!