Friday, September 26, 2014

And I'm Back.

I forgot how good it feels to do this. For new readers, let me rewind back to 2011...Janelle's Work Diary. This is the name of my first blog. JWD was mainly about the clothes I wear to work, hence the name. I gave advise on how to put things together or where to get the cheapest and yet the chic-est items, and all things fashion. Now, 3years and some months later, I've changed. I'm no longer the "young" professional I thought of myself before. Now I am just a professional, a 28 almost 29 years old professional (not so young anymore!). I have also ventured into starting a little business with my not-so-baby brother, shout out to Pictured Notes Photography (check out our website,! I have also found the love of my life (did I just say that?!), my partner in crime and in life, John (he hates being called that, he prefers Jeb). You may also say that I am a home maker now because we've just moved in to our home two months ago (yehey!!!). And though many things have changed since then, few things remained the same, I am still my sexy hot momma's daughter, daddy's little girl, and part of the tres marias club with my sisters, Jocelle and Joanne.

(with John)

(Throw back to JWD)

(We're moved in!)

Obviously, with these many changes in my life and having to play a different role or sometimes all roles in a day, I had to end JWD. But, let me say this now...I'M BACK! Playing Janes will slightly be different with JWD. Fashion will always be with me but now, I'd like to share about all other interests I have--home design, arts and crafts/diy's and even cooking! I hope you all enjoy this blog as much as the first one or better yet, more than the first one! Thank you all for reading!